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“lying, racist, repeat-adulterer”

I see nothing on this list which contravenes a non jewish man’s halachik obligations.

Trump did a lot for the Jewish people. He freed rubashkin and pollard, he made Jewish-ness into a protected class under title 9, (which was nationalistic, but he can’t be expected to know that) he made the most pro Israel moves of any president in the modern era, including the Abraham Accords, without making Israel give up anything (like in Oslo or camp David).

to be fair to him, the criticism might be that he didn’t do enough to distance himself from antisemites, but this is more because he doesn’t want to sacrifice any of his votes, not because he is sympathetic to them – trump was a big donor to Jewish causes before entering politics. I don’t see any logic in the conclusion that he is himself Antisemitic or that he intentionally fans the flames of jew hatred