Reply To: Why aren’t yeshiva’s and girl school’s going to the rally in Washington.

Home Forums Decaffeinated Coffee Why aren’t yeshiva’s and girl school’s going to the rally in Washington. Reply To: Why aren’t yeshiva’s and girl school’s going to the rally in Washington.


ever stop and wonder why the soldiers in gaza dont join the rally? if you think that taking away from talmud torah is a good idea, you need a quick hashkafah check. @doom77, you ask which war was won with just davening. i dont know and i never will know, because those wars were prevented in the first place. dont be so arrogant to think you know everything. and to the idiots who think that me posting online means i am not learning, there is something called bain hasdarim where we take an hour and a half to eat lunch and prepare for second seder, and defend klal yisroel from frum anti semites in this forum. the topic should be, “is this rally productive, and how can we use it to spread torah learning?”
for those that think the yeshiva world has stayed the same since the begginnig of the war, i will say this: being out of yeshiva so long has removed you from the yeshiva world. there is a tremendous amount of hizchazkus in the yeshiva world. far more has been done than this one rally. @gadolhadorah, you must let go of such negative feelings towards frum yidden, it can be doing us tremendous damge, because the sinas chinam that destroyed the bais hamikdash still prevents it from being built