Reply To: Rally in Washington

Home Forums Decaffeinated Coffee Rally in Washington Reply To: Rally in Washington


@ujm & @common sechel:

Thank you for your response and warm welcome to the CR. I appreciate the opportunity to engage in this important discussion.

I understand your point about setting gedarim and respecting individual chumras. It’s crucial to maintain our standards while navigating the diversity within our community. However, I’d like to offer a clarification regarding the comparison I made.

My intention in referencing trade shows was not to equate them directly with a rally, but to convey the idea that at many shows, specifically the ones in Vegas, FL, and CA, there are aspects that could be categorized similarly to the concerns raised by the rabbanim about the rally. Let me conclude by emphasizing that I’m not here to nitpick various points, but rather to express my belief (just an opinion) that now more than ever, we need achtus and love regardless of where other yidden are holding. Let’s refrain from looking down at others and instead strive to bring everyone together. Achtus prevented the destruction of Migdal Bavel. It was only when Hashem mixed up the languages that achtus was broken, providing the ability to destroy it. Let’s focus on achtus rather than saying we can’t take part. There’s always a workaround that allows us to participate without compromising our standards.