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Kuvult, yes on other Rabbis, as I mentioned – Lita & Germany. I do not mean mixed dancing, I mean mixed eating on shabbos and simchas.

> . Nor did they have mixed seating in Lita.

Very appropriate statement per parsha – why was Yaakov wearng a hat. Sources would be welcome. I heard various stories, but did not study in depth. quick search finds, for example, mentions that R Feinstein had wedding for his children: 2 separate and 2 separate for Feinsteins and mixed for mechutonim. (R Tendler senior was on the same beis din w/ R Moshe); apocryphal story that Chofetz Chaim disinvited R Meir Shapiro from a shabbos meal when the latter requested separate seating at the table.

But here was a mention of “events”, like school dinners, I presume, sheva brochos not being a problem.

To clarify, I am not advocating for one v. the other, just for not considering this as one of the simanei kashrus along the split hooves.