Reply To: New Brooklyn Eruv: Time to Accept?

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“And even though we can point to eruvin earlier in the century, Rav Moshe would counter that they were either not accepted, not built, or came about in a very unique way. Again, the question is on you as to what could possibly be Rav Moshe’s basis for counting the population of the residents.”
What a bunch of gibberish. First of all, all the large cities that established eruvin, were used by most of the population. Clearly there were cities such as Warsaw, and Lodz which contained populations greeter than 600,000, and most of the population made use of their eruv. There was no unique way, they were built and reestablished even when the population reached 600,000. Rav Moshe, unlike you clowns realized that you can’t go against the minhag, and therefore, he formulated his chiddush of three million.