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@mdd. thats my point if you only learn medrash and gemara and chumash, you may understand it litterly (why not?) if you learn chassidus, its explained starting with tanya perek 2 and there is a clear maamer of the rebbe rashab – הקבצו תרסח – printed in המשך תרסו, thats explains these maamarai chazal.
also not thinking about hashem may not couse you to view him in a tzuras haguf etc, but it also dosent cause you to love and fear him and know him (3 mitzvos temidios – see rambam hilchos yesodai hatorah)

the gra came after shabsai tzvi, and wrote about the obligation to learn kabala. and everyone agrees you can learn kabala after 40. even those who said not to younger.