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“1) You continue to not address where you stand with Rav Dovid. It’s because Rav Dovid is not entitled to saying what he said if you are going to disagree. It’s the same thing you are trying to pull off with the Flatbush Teshuva. It is an improper way to learn. But you already through your hat/yarmulke/streimel on the side of someone who was on his way out of Orthodoxy, so it isn’t something that I should complain about.”
No I consider Rav Dovid a gadol baTorah, but that does not preclude that he was not privy to anything more about this issue, as can be discerned by the fact he never said otherwise. Rav Dovid is entitled to say what he wants, but I am entitled to learn his fathers teshuvah otherwise. In fact he happens to learn his fathers teshuvah as I do and many others do. You are the one who can’t come to terms that Rav Dovid disagrees with you and your ilk. No you never learnt the Flatbush teshuvah until lately and you still don’t know what Rav Moshe says. Your absolute childish next statement does not warrant a response.