Reply To: A Chasidus without a present Rebbe

Home Forums Decaffeinated Coffee A Chasidus without a present Rebbe Reply To: A Chasidus without a present Rebbe

Menachem Shmei

mod, You seem to be keyed in to Ponevezh

Yup, I think it’s a great example that the litvisher posters can relate to.

(Interesting that you don’t point out how many people seem keyed in to Lubavitch)

people ask because they have questions, your intent was something else I don’texpect from you.

P.S. I’m honestly curious as to the rationale why YWN didn’t cover the terrible fights in Ponevezh, Gur, etc. which were much much worse (and were anyways covered widely by the media), but fully covered this 770 story with several articles and dozens of videos, when it was just a case of vandalism by several bochurim and an altercation with police.

How many is several? Just asking