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“I asked CS to give an example of my having spread Loshon hora. She answered that I accepted the lie that the Rebbe is god. The problem is that the Lubavichers in a different thread said that the Rebbe announced in 1962 that he’s god clothed in human form. So I’ve spoken Lishon hora by repeating what the Rebbe said about himself.”

No, the way you presented it, due to your lack of understanding, indicated that The Rebbe is god Himself- like god who took his whole self and became a person. That’s NOT what The Rebbe said, whether the words sound similar or not, and anyone with a basic background of Chassidus would know.

The Rebbe meant the exact opposite, that the potential of every Jew, which the Rebbe is the head so able to actualize it, is to completely negate his sense of separate selfhood, and tap into his true identity of his Neshama which is one with Hashems Atzmus (not that he limits Hashem to being enclothed in one body cvs- rather- you look at him and see Atzmus- that he’sa G-dly person.)

Hope that clarifies.