Reply To: Silence from the intellectual left

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1.See swedens response to the lockdowns, sorry I’m not a “medical expert” so me stating this fact doesn’t matter.


3. Sweden

4. Equivocation of Jews during the to immigration coming from the third to first world is pathetic, is this what they teach you in temple?

5. Many folks have multiple full time jobs to make ends meet, immigration isn’t going to alleviate that situation.
If Trump wins he’ll be blamed once the house of cards falls as usual.

6. Disinformation is a word used by minds infected by leftism. Sounds like someone went to college lol.

7.I’m glad we can agree Ukraine is losing, and may they continue to do so. Did they teach you about Bandera or Chelminsky in college?

Here’s a new one,

Biden’s mind is gone, I can’t wait for your obligatory rebuttal.

In Russia under Stalin someone who used the word disinformation would have been a true party man! Lol