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“A woman’s ruchnius isn’t from learning. It’s from tznius, chesed and davening. Learning Torah accomplishes everything for a man; it does very little for women. Perhaps it can be an element of avodad Hashem, but there’s a reason why it is not a chiyuv – and we know that גדול המצווה ועושה, one who does what he is obligated to do is bigger than one who does something they’re not obligated to do. It’s a basic chazal; the enthusiasm women might have over learning could be the same kind of yatzer hora that makes men more interested in chessed than learning – it’s a yatzer hora.”

So I can agree with you that for me at least, learning Gemara is good as far as research, but doesn’t do as much for me in Avodas Hashem- I prefer practical Halacha.

But, and here’s the big but, at least 2 of the שש מצות תמידיות are knowing, fearing and loving Hashem. You can’t fulfill these mitzvos adequately without learning about Hashem. Without learning you will not have these emotions. So anything related is more than relevant to women, in fact it’s a yesod for Avodas Hashem.

And I’m lucky enough to have Chassidus which shines a light on all the other Torah I have learned. And that’s part of why (in addition to the Baal Shem Tovs mandate from Moshiach) we are so passionate to share with others. If we were so elitist, we’d keep it all to ourselves.