Reply To: Shmad in Israel?

Home Forums Decaffeinated Coffee Shmad in Israel? Reply To: Shmad in Israel?


It’s been a few years since I wrote here, but I can see some of the same voices making the same noises.

It would be useful for the chareidi oilem in E’Y to take on a part of the burden that it can see fit and control – for example, take on the entirety of fire fighting services. Direct national service to that, and control the environment. Or some of the para medical services. Or some of the needs in hospitals. But don’t be reactive – take initiative and take responsibility.

The alternative is that in a few short months or years, an aroused electorate, who have just sacrificed their children in this Milchemes mitzva, will reverse every financial gain the Netanyahu aligned chareidi parties have achieved in terms of budgets. And you will look at this “shmad” of the greatest amount of learning in the history of Am Yisroel being done right now on the dime and the backs of those whose sons and daughters also sacrifice their lives to protect you, as a distant memory of bounty and good fortune. At that point you’ll have the luxury of pointing to those people who resent you and say “see, see, I told you they hate us!” but you’ll have a fraction of the resources and you’ll still be bleeding away the achdus of the whole Am, as well as the goodwill that helps fund your existence. Congratulations on making your own challenges bigger and more difficult.

And finally, if you can’t or don’t want to see the difference between “koichi v’oitzem yodi” and doing one’s hishtadlus, you haven’t been paying attention to anyone or anything going on around you for decades and fundamentally don’t understand your environment. That can’t be beneficial for you. You still have my tefillos for your full teshuva and greater understanding.