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CS: This is where you yourself show me you have no idea of what a real Rebbe is- not something I grew up with. The Rebbe spoke with ruach hakodesh on a constant basis, and the many people impacted on a personal level can and do testify to this- and not only Lubavitchers.

So your answer to my claim that the LR was wrong and that he said something that if anyone else had said it you would call it apikorsus, is that the LR is right because he always is. You do realize, I hope, that that is not an acceptable reply to someone who doesn’t believe that the LR was a Nasi-Hador/Mashiach/Navi/infallible or a baal ruach hakodesh. It is merely saying, as you so often do, the LR is right, so there!

Btw, of course I have no idea what a real Rebbe is. If I did, I would probably be a real Rebbe. But I believe I do know WHO a real Rebbe is… and who is not.

the general context was that we need to finish up Avodas Habirurim during golus. I never saw it promise that the minute it’s finished, we enter Geula Shleima. Again I could be wrong, so I asked you to support your premise which you didn’t.

So I googled it and it came up easily… from a Lubavicher site. And there are more than just this one. (I am loath to quote a sichah, but here it is: )
וזלה”ק (בשיחת ש״פ נח, ד’ מר ־ חשון תשנ״ב – ספר השיחות תשנ״ב ע’ 65 ואילך): והדגשה יתירה בכהנ״ל – בנוגע לחשבון ־ צדק בשבת פרשת נח בשנה זו: ובהקדמה – שכיון שהעיד כ״ק מו”ח אדמו״ר נשיא דורנו שכבר סיימו כל עניני העבודה, כולל גם צחצוח הכפתורים, ועומדים מוכנים יעמדו הכן כולכם׳׳) לקבל פני משיח צדקנו, הרי, מסקנת החשבון – צדק (חשבון ־ צדק דייקא, חשבון אמיתי) שעושים בימינו אלו, היא, שתיכף ומיד ממש צריכה לבוא הגאולה האמיתית והשלמה בפועל ממש!
(My apologies if it comes out a bit garbled, but that often happens when copying from a Hebrew website into an English text. At any rate, the site is called merkazato and all you have to do is google נסתיימה עבודת הבירורים.)

I’m sure he later explains it all to HIS satisfaction, but I’m not interested in his rationalizations. I’m just responding to your request for a source.