Reply To: You’ll wish you davent more for mashiach after he comes. As make supper sing

Home Forums Decaffeinated Coffee You’ll wish you davent more for mashiach after he comes. As make supper sing Reply To: You’ll wish you davent more for mashiach after he comes. As make supper sing

Sam Klein

So then what are we waiting for? Why don’t we immediately start doing serious Teshuva and Achdus together as one loving nation so Hashem can send Mashiach already bkarov?

We don’t need to wait until C”V our lives are in danger like in the story of Purim to wake us up to return to Hashem with serious Teshuva like Mordechai and Esther decreed immediately upon the decree of the destruction of klal yisroel and as we can currently see the Palestinians and Iran are trying to do this very moment. LET’S SHOW HASHEM THAT WE GET HIW WAKE UP CALL MESSAGE FOR SERIOUS TESHUVA AND ACHDUS and make ourselves worthy for Mashiach to come already