Reply To: The open miracles of the Iranian bombardment and the war in Gaza

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>>>Itchie Meir levin was not a “rav.” He was an askan…..Reb Yaakov never said such a thing. It’s laughable that a gadol would change because of a simple observation, not that that was ever the discussion to begin with.

Rav Yaakov wasn’t bigger than Shmaya and Avtalyon and what does the Mishna in Edoyus say about them changing their mind because of what they herd from two lowly (on the social ladder)people?

But I’ll let you explain it. Why indeed when Yidden re killed is it attributed to Hashem and when they are saved is it attributed to the Sotton?

In general Rav Yaakov was no follower of the Satmar Shito on Zionism. To put it mildly.