Reply To: How Can Any Jew Who Isn’t a Self-hating Jew Still Identify as a Democrat

Home Forums Decaffeinated Coffee How Can Any Jew Who Isn’t a Self-hating Jew Still Identify as a Democrat Reply To: How Can Any Jew Who Isn’t a Self-hating Jew Still Identify as a Democrat


Someone who doesn’t think shoplifters should go to jail is an immoral human, and cannot be a baal teshuva. I have personally seen this in out of town communities, where some of these liberal “baalei teshuva” look frum but still think toeiva marriage should be legal and shoplifters should be given a break. The result when they send their kids to our yeshivos is that the kids get depressed, mixed up and at worst they could ruin other kids to think the way of their parents. WE HAVE STANDARDS, we do not want these hashkafos infiltrating into the frum society in the name of kiruv.