Reply To: The Four Contemporary Sovereign States That Contain Portions of Eretz Yisroel

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The stupidity is dumbfounding. Your definition of Zionism is warped. You refer to one specific segment of people. Todays definition of Zionism is so much broader and includes shomre Torah who love Eretz Yisrael. Please don’t paint Zionism with the brush of 1920, it earns you a reputation of one who hates Jews. The nafka mina here is not large. Would someone of your opinion dare to say they want the IDF to lose the war. Would you dare to say that all shomer Torah Jews should leave Israel? Practically your claim is that you don’t support the state of Israel and would discourage Aliyah for fear of becoming hiloni. The way you speak of this topic is absolutely Sinat Hinam and is identical to the reason Ribi Akivas students died. You are clearly expressing that your Torah opinion is greater than all others. The way you speak is so nauseating as if you’re doing it on purpose to upset most other Jews. The state of Israel is clearly the beginning of the Geula. If you don’t think so that’s fine. But just remember that the grandmother of Mashiah is Rut, whose husband wasn’t exactly the biggest Tzadik. Geula comes in strange ways. For you to demand of Hashem that it comes exactly how you want it because that’s the “Torah” perspective is stupefying.