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Donald Trump was not merely pro-Israel; he was the MOST pro-Israel USA President of all time.

Donald Trump was not merely pro-Jewish; he was the MOST pro-Jewish USA President of all time.

When Donald Trump was USA President, he was the ONLY President
who ever had two Shomer-Shabbat Jews as his closest advisors.

When Donald Trump was USA President, he cut-off funding to our
Arab-Nazi enemies who want to commit genocide against ALL [100%] Jews.

When Joe Biden became USA President, he restored funding
to our Arab-Nazi enemies who want to commit genocide
against ALL [100%] Jews, which resulted in the greatest
anti-Jewish massacre since the Holocaust; on 2023 October 7,
around 1,400 Jews were killed by Hamas, (including children)
and around 240 Jews were taken captive (including children)
and many of them were killed.

Additionally, Hamas has killed Jewish civilians and
hostages with unbelievable cruelty (including children).
And that massacre was paid-for by President Joe Biden.

For any Jew to rejoice over the downfall of Donald Trump
is an INEXCUSABLE lack of gratitude.

Yechiell, because you said “OMEN” to celebrate the downfall
of the MOST pro-Israel and MOST pro-Jewish USA President
of all time, I will say “OMEN” on the Yom HaDin,
the Great Day of Judgment, when the Heavenly Court
convicts you of 34,000 or 34,000,000 sins,
and decrees that you should be thrown into Gehinom.

Last but not least, using the courts to destroy political opponents
was NEVER the American minhag — until now.

The list of countries that use the courts to destroy political opponents
includes: Nazi Germany, Communist Russian under Stalin, Communist China
under Chairman Mao, Communist North Korea, and Communist Cuba.

Even here in the USA, the people who have the greatest desire
to use the courts to destroy Donald Trump are American Communists
[who are now known as: Woke, Politically Correct, Progressives and Democrats].

Now that this evil precedent has been established — using the courts
to destroy political opponents — it may one day be used against
people who you like, it may even be used against YOU!