Reply To: End of MAGA

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Dr. Pepper


I think I see what the issue is. I have two categories when it comes to lying-
(1). Those that don’t lie
(2). Those that do lie.

You seem to have two categories as well albeit very different ones-

(1). Those who either lie like a politician or don’t lie
(2). Everyone else.

There not much you can respond to the accusations as I gave you ample opportunities back then before recategorizing you. Apparently you felt that as long as your lies are delegitimizing someone who doesn’t agree with you then you’re right along with politicians.

Head over to the thread regarding politicizing tragedies from late Spring / early Summer of 2022 if you don’t recall what I’m referring to.

Biden dastardly claimed that no soldiers were killed while he was president, knowing good and well that 13 US Heroes died in his bungled Afghanistan withdrawal- and that their families were probably watching him live. I don’t care if you want to excuse that because it’s ok for politicians to talk like that – it’s very wrong.

Biden claiming that he only has six grandchildren to hide his son’s affair that the entire world already knows about is just cruel. Think of his poor grandkid who, besides being born into the most corrupt family in the US and now has her very own grandfather pretending that she’s insignificant and doesn’t exist. Are you justifying it because that’s how politicians are?

What about his outright lies regarding his son’s business and the bribes that made him a compromised president? Are you writing that off as well since it’s politics as usual?

Anyone who says that they weren’t going to vote for President Trump because he lies but was going to vote for Biden instead is seriously sick in the head.