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Wonderful, thought-provoking question. מי יתן that the choshuve avreichim of this forum would forever cease to argue about meshugas like “Biden vs. Trump” or “Zionists vs. Satmar” or “Yeshivish vs. YU” or “Lace-top sheitels” and all the other דברים העומדים ברומו של עולם (which, to an עם הארץ such as a chiropractor, or an inspirational speaker, or a standard American 2nd-year maggid shiur, or a chassidishe Rebbe, are not only important, but crucial עיקרים of the Jewish faith), and people would begin to engage in דברי אלקים חיים. Learning torah is fun!

The short answer to your question is obviously לכשיחיו נחכם להן לכשיבוא משה רבינו עמהם. But that’s booooring lol. So let’s get started!

The primary assumptions underlying your questions are A) The assumption that there will be a מושג of אשת איש during the time of תחיית המתים. (R’ Saadya Gaon says that people will get married after תחיית המתים) B) The assumption that if A is true, it follows that a woman will still be considered to be married to her previous husband and won’t require another קידושין. Whether or not these are true depends on the following. (Absolutely not an exhaustive list):

1) Will מצוות be בטילות לעתיד לבא?
(נדה דף סא)

2) If yes, does this mean that מצוות will be בטילות בזמן תחיית המתים or does it mean simply that a מת is פטור from מצוות while he is dead? ( מחלוקת between תוס׳ אויפן ארט (unless you really want to kvetch a different meaning into it like the Maharatz Chayes says there הרבה יש לפלפל) and the רשב״א in ברכות by אין בין ימות המשיח וכו׳)

3) If, in #2, we assume like the former tzad, does this mean that even the ז׳ מצוות בני נח will be בטל? (Haven’t seen this discussed, but it seems like an obvious kler. Because even קודם מתן תורה there was a מושג of אישות.)

3) If, in #2, we assume like the former tzad, does this mean simply that the commandments will be בטלות or that even the institutions, i.e. אישות, שליחות, בעלות, קניינים, נדרים, הקדשות, etc. will be בטל? (I have tremendous toirah on this inyan but haven’t seen it discussed. It’s תלוי on many, many, many different inyonim all over the תושבע״פ ואכ״מ והמשכיל יבין והחדל יחדל)

3) If there will be a מושג of א״א during זמן תחיית המתים, will a woman who is revived be still married to her husband from prior or will she require a new קידושין? (This a tremendous inyan and is one of the deepest inyonim in סדר נשים and יבמות. There’s a ירושלמי that the גדולי אחרונים are very busy with. Check out Reb Meir Simcha in הלכות גירושין over there by מת בתוך י״ב חדש.)

4) If you want, you could also קריך אריין in the חקירה that the roshei yeshiva are into about how מיתת הבעל is מתיר. Could be it’s נוגע to #3. Reb shimon talks abt it in שערי יושר ע״ש.

אשרי מחכה ויגיע