Reply To: Question for those who don’t think Charedim should join the IDF

Home Forums Decaffeinated Coffee Question for those who don’t think Charedim should join the IDF Reply To: Question for those who don’t think Charedim should join the IDF


As a Charedi living in Erets Yisrael, these discussions bother me.
Disagree, ask questions, delve into the sources, knowledge is a very good thing. However at a certain point everyone has to step back and realize that there are different paths in yidishkeit. Chareidim should not join the army for one simple reason, being part of the Charedi world includes following the direction of its leaders and Rabanim who have advised against army service. What bothers me is the complete disregard for this fact that as long as one is following Halacha from his Rabanim, he is doing Ratzon Hashem.
This doesn’t mean that the original questions aren’t difficult ones. I have faced in person the pain and anguish of Mizrachi parents emotionally voicing how they feel its unfair how their children put their lives on the line, and unfortunately have faced tragedies, while the Charedi party goes largely unharmed. I understand where there emotions are coming from, as well as those who agree with them, however such an outspoken opinion only causes pirud and anger amongst the Jewish people. (This goes the other way as well when Charedi people don’t show support and hakaros hatov to those who are risking their lives for their safety putting aside differences of opinion.)
We are all Hashem’s children and are striving to do His Will. I don’t know of any Charedi people who follow the Charedi path in order to get out of serving in the army. The opposite is true, if the Rabanim would endorse army service the bachurim will be itching to get their hands on a gun (there are almost no outlets in EY yeshivos). However, until then, the Charedi community is trying to serve Hashem to their best abilities as they see fit.