Reply To: Question for those who don’t think Charedim should join the IDF

Home Forums Decaffeinated Coffee Question for those who don’t think Charedim should join the IDF Reply To: Question for those who don’t think Charedim should join the IDF


Somejew, in your list of supposedly anti-Zionist Rabbis, many of these Rabbis were not anti-Zionists at all. Rav Ovadia Yosef was the Chief Sephardic Rabbi employed by the Israeli government, as is his son, Rabbi Yitchok Yosef. Sephardim and Eidus Hamizrach are generally the most pro-Zionist from the frum world. Perhaps Rabbi Ovadia Yosef spoke against the secular Zionists, I dont know but I could see that he would, but he was not against Zionism.

The Baba Sali was not an anti-Zionist.

The Belze Rebbe has his people within the Zionist government and always says to vote in the elections.

While the majority of Ahkenazi rabbonim were against the founding of the State of Israel (primarily because the founders were anti-religious, secular atheists), when the State became a reality they grudgingly accepted it and the majority of Chareidi Ashkenazi rabbonim shitta is like the Belze Rebbe, the Viznitze Rebbes in Israel (not Monsey), and the majority of the rabbonim in the Yeshivishe world which is thay while they don’t support a secular Stateand secular laws, nor do they want their bucharim in the army, they vote in the elections and they support Israel winning over the terrorists.