Reply To: Chabad Media Won

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To Yashardik

As I’ve mentioned in this and other threads, I have extensive dealings with Chabad so I can elaborate on your latest post. Yes, Chabad believes that their Limud Torah is better than all other forms of Limmud. And they believe that their form of Davening is better than all other forms of Davening. I could go on. The point is that Chabad believes that it’s the “Master Race of Judaism” an idea that the Rebbe took from a certain Austrian. This may not sit well with some, but it’s the truth. In 1978 someone asked Rabbi Miller(this question was printed in the FJJ) why Chabad thinks it’s better than all other forms of Judaism and he answered, “Every group should think it’s superior.” I’m proud to be a Lower East Sider but I don’t consider our brand of Judaism better than anyone else’s, and I’m certain that no other group thinks what Chabad openly espouses. That was a push-off answer by Rabbi Miller who always did that when people challenged his endorsement of Chabad.. What’s interesting is that this concept was in Chabad many years before this Moshiach insanity began as we see from the date of the question.