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Besalel is correct. This is no hidush at all. Rav Ovadia has a teshuva about this in Yehaveh Da’at. As such (and as all teshuvot in Yehave Da’at) this issue was obviously discussed on the radio decades ago in Rav Ovadia Shlita’s “Pinat Halakha.” The only reason (I assume) it is now in the news is that Rav Ovadia discussed this in his shiur in Beit Kenesset Hayazdim this past motza’ei shabbat. I don’t know why davka this tidbit was singled out to make the news, but it certainly wouldn’t be the first time reporters pick and choose from his shiurim for quotations. In any case, “lekhu el yosef, ka’asher yomar aleichem ta’asu!”