Reply To: Out Of The Mailbag: (Bungalow Colony Binge Drinking)

Home Forums Summer & Camp Issues Out Of The Mailbag: (Bungalow Colony Binge Drinking) Reply To: Out Of The Mailbag: (Bungalow Colony Binge Drinking)


to eliezer: in your original posting you said “…if for one hour a week, on Shabbos, the men want to let loose and have a roaring good time, I see nothing wrong with it.” Slightly different than your current focus on “drinking a bit more than I usually do”. Anyway I am glad to see that you have charata from your original comments, although a total u-turn would have been more of the honest way out for you.

“everone has their own way to be mekadesh hashabbos” What issues do you have with chazal’s way?

“and unless all YOU do on Shabbos is learn and daven…then how are YOU being MeKadeish Shabbos? Do you nap? .. etc etc.” Rather than addressing things which i never said, i would have rather seen a more honest approach on your part, namely, to address the things which you did say.

Have a good weekend

P.S. _ I think you can be maikil like the TAZ and use a small amount of chamar medina to be yoitzeh kiddush by day, no need to be machmir as it seems you have been for a real brisker re’viis.