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Think BIG

fardeiget: “thats a tachlis”?? Just to show you the other side of the coin, if you “punish” a bochur with extra time in yeshiva or extra learning, he will come to associate the yeshiva with punishment. You can bet he will not develope positive attitude towards yeshiva and learning.

I once heard from R mendel nissel (author of rigshei lev, an english sefer on tefillah for women) that he lectures in all the seminaries in EY, and always at the end of his talk the girls line up to buy his book. Once, in one seminary, none of the girls wanted to buy the book. he was mystified about this as it was so strange. He later found out that that seminary punishes the girls by making them say kapitlach of tehilim. So they natuarally developed anegative attitude towards tefillah, and no matter how well he spoke, they were not interested in the subject.

I agree with gavra. Sometimes a bochur just needs a break that will refresh him and renew his energies. The Rosh Y did not “throw” him out in gavras example. Rather it seemed to me that he was concerned that the boy will crack under the strain and needed a break! people are human, and humans need to recharge their batteries on ocasion, some more often than others.

Is gavra rabba and gavra at work the same person?