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there is a difference. the difference is that different Halochos of Tochachah apply. I dont know why, but it is pusht that that is the case. i am not aware of any other differences.

long answer: yosef you probably dont need this, but if anyone else is interested:

for example

Tefillin is explicitly mentioned in the Chumash as an Asay.

not to embarrass a fellow Yid in public is also a D’Oraisa, but it is not mentioned explicitly as a Lav. it was derived as a D’Oroisa from Psukim by Chazal

a D’Oraisa mitzvah that is meforesh has exactly the same level of stringency as one not meforesh. The only difference that i am aware of is that different Halochos of giving Tochacha apply. There could be other differences that i am not aware of but they are both absolutely equal as far as Chashivus, stringency, etc.