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working man..let us answer your “intellligent..”. we went to ysehivah, the size is irrelevant, they provided with something, its called toireh with yiras shomayin etc,(not that we meet those qualifications as you meet your “secular education”qualif.) as opposed to your big yeshivah that provided you with something called secular education (whats that, never heard of it)besides that, they also taught us to write complete sentences (which we are not particular to use), which is completely unimportant to be a ehrlicha yid but only important to conduct business with your fellow countrymen,.again, yes we hard the term “holier than thou,” have secular education too (dont need it to have heard it, so dont know why you say have secular ed ,to hear the “term holier than thou”,but we mentioned that never heard it used by bnei toireh ,lakewood, belz, telz, biyon,satmar etc.. you take solace to know we’re ehrlicher yid is irrelevant to this discussion …if you dont mind can you explain how derech eretz kadma l’torah comes in here? ..we think you should put your “secular education” aside and learn some anoveh(eikev anoveh, yiesh..see mesilas yeshorim)