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I kind of perused this site and I must say that I have absolutely no idea what jent 1150 writes. A lot of it is funny but I still do not know what he is writing! I think we’ll need rashi and toisefos!

However, I bow before his bekius, as he is the only one who was able to quote the Remo (Tof reish ches-608)who clearly writes that ONLY in something that is MEFUROSH in the torah -spelled out- are you obliged to be “mochiach”. On other mitzvos d’oraisa, you do NOT have to be mochiach! Even then ,only if you know that they will accept it, otherwise, it is “mutov shejehe shoggegim”.

An example, if you see someone light a fire on shabbos, this is mefurosh, However, other melochos would not come under this as they are not spelled out in the Torah. Please, all of you check out the remo.