Reply To: Out Of The Mailbag: (Do As I Do)

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to ir hakodeh..cnt’ say ‘i have a feeling …you feel jews who don’t do what you do…’ me am stumped, dont know what you mean ‘dont do as you do’,do mean if i play chess and they dont play chess?..or if i have chevy impala and they have a cutless ? or do you mean lets say if me wears a gartel and you dont wear a gartel you are less yiddish, why on earth should it be so? so can you explain what do you mean by jews who do..are less than it, lets say, me is born to jewish mother and the other not jewish mother ,then he is not jewish at all, not less you mean that when we feel someone is oiver on a prat of the toireh,or kol hatorah kilo, or when one is malik al divrei chachaminm ,or mechazek those who mock the ribonishel oilom and his torah like those posters we refer to and we (and not only mir but plenty other posters who understand what means, ‘u’lefi shlo micho’,mes.shabbos). so by that you say me hold those jews less? less what ,in what sense, posil l’eaidus, be metzaref for minyon? where do you see we said as again, what do you mean by ‘less than you’ which is me