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As reb chaim brisker said..when it hurts, you scream..even if it doesn’t accomplish much, these things bother (or should bother) us enough to scream from the rooftops – we, including myself, dont understand the severity of aveiros and issues that are seen as minor in our community, and you can determine which things are minor with a laser-pointer between materialism and our community – whatever materialsim, i.e., american society, says is wrong, we understand to be wrong, like murder and theft, but when it comes to things we cant see the immediate results of, like lashon hora, tznius, or anything else, basically, 80% of thew mitzvos if not more, we only keep because we know we have to, without understanding how terrible it is.

If someone said about a yid that r”l murdered someone, ‘well, we cant correct him, we cant turn him off to judaism, so let’s just be warm and accepting of his new lifestyle, after all, he’s just expressing himself, and what right do we have to judge others?’

and yet, we find this sentiment by many aveiros that are tantamount to murder, or in the same league. why? because america in all its tumah has had a norediga hashpaah on us – wake up, and see this for what it is – anyone who sits quietly by while klal yisroel suffers from themselves..i feel sorry for.