Reply To: Daveing with Crocs

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Since when does the president have a din of a melech? You see pictures of the president with people who wear whatever they want. The president himself wears whatever he wants. My brother saw a picture of him wearing shorts. Does that make them “fit for a king”? Kal v’chomer for the common person. No rayahs from the president please. They are silly.

Pashuteh Yid

mishna berurah O”C 91 s”k 13.

First of all, there is no other mishna berurah except O”C.

More importantly, if one goes to a conservative or reform temple, are their values sufficient? Clearly not. Clearly the standards are set by the mekomei torah in the area. If you know of any makom torah where they daven without hats and jackets, keep it to yourself because I will simply contest your assertion that it really is a makom torah.