Reply To: Still Fuming At Rabbi Belsky And Mishpacha

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Mariner, I am not here to defend lubavitch nor do I have the time to, but your “proofs” are exactly what I am talking about.

Why the Rebbe and not the Besht, since lubavitvhers say that the rebbe did more for Torah and Yiddishkayt than anyone else, so if this is the dor it would be him. Agree or not agree, its a good answer.

I do not know enough about this stuff, and you would have to ask a mayven, but let me take a look at the 3 points you made.

1) In that nevuah, he saw that he dies and the world continued without Moshiach, that is a lot different from this where they say (and I assume all frumme Yidden believe) that Moshiach is coming now. So its too soon to use this proof of yours.

2) When the Rambam and Ramban argue we follow the Rambam who says clearly that if Moshiach gets killed he cant be Moshiach, not if he dies.

3)Once again, look into Rambam who says that if Moshiach does not end up coming than he was bchezkas Moshiach as opposed to Moshiach vaday. Look to answer # 1for this.

I am sure that you can answer my replies with other proofs, but in lubavitch today there are hundreds of rabanim, geonim, roshey yeshiva etc. I see this peopleby simchas and the like. You need to talk to someone knowledgeable, like I did.

I am not saying that the Rebbe is Moshiach, all I amsaying is live and let live (no pun intended). They have Rabbanim as great as our rabbanim and if you want to say that are mistaken, no problem. But do not say that they are going against halacha, unless you can back that up vs someone who knows his stuff i.e not me.

All this does not even touch upon the amazing work they do around the world and the fact that the rebbe who I met a few times was a GIANT!!!!!