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Well, I realize that people are not taking me seriously. The irony is that all of you think YOU know what the Almighty wants for us but when I point out the obvious, you all take umbrage.

Sarah- Please read al lthe postings before you jduge the writins. I reacted to the pernicoious and despicbale words of Itzik. Such words must be denounced, lest we are asked at the “jom hadin” why we didn’t protest these excecrable words. If yo uagree with them , I am sorry for your neshomo.

In a nutshell, The “rosho” itzk has written off (at least) two- thirds of am yisroel and insulted tens of thousands of holy neshomos. If you all are all right with his words, then I suggest you look at how elijahu hanovi will act “be-acharis hajomim”- “lo bo letameh…” “veheishiv lev ovos al bonim..” and much more.

The “rosho”s approach negates all of this. For this desecration, I am convinced he will pay a price. If this involves “ayin horah’, it will not be mine- but the disapproval of all those gedolim and kedoshim who sacrificed themselves to bring back any Jew and all jews throughout the centuries,from Avrohom Ovinu onwards.

In line with the gemoro berachos, however -I hope that his “rishus” brings him back to the truth. “Yitamu Chatoim min hooertz”. So, if he makes theshuvo,I am sure Hakodesh boruch Huh will forgive him in this month of Elul.