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Logic is not your strong point.

This is what you said:

“Our ancestors in the middle Ages and in Eastern Europe were ( except for the 1%

of taslmedai chachamim ) were ignorant peasants living on shtetls who could barely read the Aleph Bais.”

These are your words that I asked you to source:

1. “Our ancestors were ignorant peasants.”

2. “Our ancestors could barely read the Aleph Bais.”

3. “They stayed frum out of habit.”

4. that ONLY 1% of those ignorant peasant ancestors of ours were “talmedai chachamim”

5. “Once the civil restrictions were removed and Jews could live in the cities, the removal of the shtetl peer pressure meant that THE JEWS BY HABIT GAVE UP THEIR FRUMKEIT.”

You answered and documented none of these malicious and false allegations.

So please NUMERICALLY respond to each of these 5 questions separately.

It is obvious you cannot since it is rubbish.