Reply To: Bizayon HaTorah in Lakewood

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Mrs. Shindy:

That is my point as well. The gedolim are not going to create money out of thin air. It should be the resposibility of the parents to earn enough money (or raise it) to pay for their children’s yeshiva. The other way is to have the parents cut back, and not have the “luxuries” of the 21st century, such as air conditioning, or homeschool their children (a different thread).

By the chassidim, the “rich” chassid has an achrayus to the rebbe, and gives when he asks. Here, if the Gadol says he needs more money the rich man will find himself another Gadol. Raising money from the Hamon Am WILL NOT cover a school’s expenses. They are too many and not enough people pay what they should.

If you (or anyone else) have a better idea, I would love to hear it.