Reply To: The Jewish National Anthem

Home Forums Controversial Topics The Jewish National Anthem Reply To: The Jewish National Anthem


Pashute Yid, THANK YOU !! I could never had said it better!!! YASHER KOACH !

To sarah and sarahB: Apart from quoting two very short phrases from my (many) postings, can you show how I have been insulting people? I am not even sure if telling a person that he should crawl back into his hole is insulting…And why do you deny me ,and others, the opportunity of answering in very strong terms what is being bandied on this website, which is “sinas yisroel” to the extreme (including many thousands of chareidim), which endangers six million jews again, which reaches out to ally itself with real reshoim (remember teheran..), and for this, I should remain quiet? Have you ever read a Poster of the Neturei Karta? I suggest you do….actually, all you have to do is read some of the rantings (yes, rantings) posted on this webiste concerning Eretz Yisroel, gedolei yisroel and rabbonim (check out the site on Rav tendler).It might just be a very illuminating read for you…

As the saying goes, if you cannot stand the heat, just leave the kitchen…

To Itzik, as they say in chess, checkmate! You have no answer for anything I said, so you leave the field…Just to offfend sarah-I will say, good riddance!

To lessmodernorthodox- you are entitled to your view and Pashute yid and myself to ours. History will judge!