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Home Forums Decaffeinated Coffee Riveting story: Mi Yichyeh, umi Yomis! Reply To: Riveting story: Mi Yichyeh, umi Yomis!


in the sefer ‘sheal avicha v’yagedcha’ a collection of stories by the world famuous ‘maggid of yerusulayim zt’l'(hagoen hatzaddik sholem shvadron) by ‘yisroel siegel’ with the maggids haskamma..a few such stories see chelek 2 daf 148-151 2 episodes. one involves the ‘chazon ish’ regarding a man who after the chobin noirah (dont like the word holocaust) shed it all even yom kupper and his father came to him NOT IN A DREaM but like ghost in his house few times and threatened him, finally he went to chazon ish…the other was a child who was given during the war to a monostary and when she grew up was going to marry the galchs son, her mother revealed in dream she is jewish…dont have time to print whole story but both had ‘happy endings..’piley peluim,noirah noraim’ like he used to say…(warning :these stories are not for those who are against myth bearing revisionists rabbis)