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000646: what you dont undersatnd is that certain people who say terms like “the rabbonim” and “gedolim” only mean thos aspousing their line of thinking. any other rov who doesnt fit into their daled amos of judaism is not only not part of this “league of rabbonim” (similar to the justice league, you just some how get super powers, and your in!) but is deemed a mishugenah, am haaretz, or some other nonsense. the term daas torah is a new invention. daas torah means absolutely nothing. it is a platitude. it attempts to give legitimacy to the illegitimate. the idea that one is to follow some group of rabbonim is absurd. one is to follow his rov. if ones rov decides to acquiesce to the general rabbinic perception of a halachah in the said generation, then it is that rov’s prerogative. we no longer have a av bes din and a reish galusa to mandate halacha.