Reply To: Upcoming Election & Growth of Lakewood

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Okay, so time posted is the time we write posts. So zevi8 confirmed he wrote it. (What is the alternative, that somebody hacked into his account?) So he said he was in Lakewood. I still don’t see how this adds up to mechallel shabbos.

I am not familiar with the way IP addresses work. I am in Israel now, writing this from a laptop I purchased in America. Does the IP address reflect the origin of the computer itself, or the location of the wireless network to which I am connected? If the former, then one might think that I am in America and could mistakenly accuse me of the same thing.

I remember reading the post “are you in lakewood”. Without even asking myself or doubting what it meant, I just assumed it was another way of asking “do you live in lakewood”. I am sure zevi8 and probably others interpreted the question this way too.

It is not for us to decide who is “away from” the Torah and who is not. We should spend our time bringing ourselves closer to it, not deploring others whose hearts we cannot know. You take offense at his statement that your practices are not true Judaism, yet you will turn it around and say his is not true Judaism! Do you not see the inherent hypocrisy here?

I have now been on this forum long enough for other users to get a general picture of my views. I am not here to make enemies, but I too have been called all kinds of names and accused of all sorts of things, including being irrational, a misguided soul, anti-Torah, anti-religious, and the list goes on. Do you look for ways to incriminate me? Are you just waiting for me to slip so that you can expose my misdeeds and “save” others from “falling sway” to my “blasphemous views?” And do you honestly think that anyone who is secure in his/her Yiddishkeit could possibly be “swayed” by an online posting?

Say what you want. I steadfastly believe in zevi8’s innocence. And wouldn’t you want him to do the same for you if you found yourself in a situation where your own observance was under scrutiny?