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I never met a posek who allowed shaving. You think the chofetz chayim wrote seforim for fun?
If you accept his Mishna Beruro, you must accept his Kuntres Tiferes Odom, unless it is like the reform / mesorti movement who choose which halochos to keep and which to trash.
By the way did I mention the Chazon Ish:
[1] just like a razor[2] and did not permit selling a shaving machine even to a Jew who shaves with a razor in order to save him from the prohibition of using a razor[3] [chemical][4].
He wrote:[5] [removal of the beard with] depilatory cream… I find this matter very painful…I am accustomed to this being prohibited since the earlier generations, and [the prohibition] was very severe…[Jews] have learned it from the non-Jews during their exile…Although this sickness has spread even among the bnei Torah, the issue has not changed as a result of this, and therefore my soul boils [with rage]
sources cited below in the following footnotes (2-3).
colleague/disciple, Rav Shmuel HaLevi Vosner shlita, in his Teshuvos Shevet HaLevi
p. 56) and numerous other sources cited in Hadras Ponim Zokon (pp. 349-350).
see also Rav Chayim Kanievsky shlita in his sefer Orchos Yosher (p. 20), where he
not permit selling one even to a Jew who shaves with a razor in order to save him
from the prohibition of using a razor, but instructed [the inquirer) to sell it to a
4 Rav Chayim Kanievsky shlita in his sefer Orchos Yosher (ibid.).
Orchos Yosher (ibid.).