Reply To: Tznius: a woman’s issue

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Think BIG

“Tzinius, like Shabbos, is a HALACHIC issue. If someone violates tzinius, EVERY person, man or woman, has a HALACHIC OBLIGATION to kindly inform the perpetrator that they are in violation of halacha (unless they know with absolute certainty that the tzinius violator will refuse to listen and continue violating the Torah.) “

Joseph, do you mean that statement literally? You mean to say that when you see a MAN conducting himself in a less than tzniusdik fashion, you give him tochacha?? Or is it only the women you worry about?

Jphone, for someone who learns halacha (i assume) you may not be used to the concept of “gray area” In many other areas of halacha, things are very black and white, to the minute or degree of whatever the issue is. In tznius, besides for the four areas on the body which are measurable (including married womans hair), the rest of the clothing issue is not so black and white. The basic rule of thumb is that women should not dress in a manner which will attract attention to herself. But within that, the woman has to use her binah to know how to apply that. Unfortunately, that binah is not so developed in some, and in other cases, different people will disagree with what is considered untzniusdik. A woman might choose something which covers her elbows well etc. but the color is in the opinion of some people flashy, while others will contend its not.

I say this so you men may appreciate a bit of the struggle that goes on for some of these girls. It would be great if they could look to their teachers as role models and imitate their dress, but often this is not practical, as the teacers are like 4o years older and dress as befits an older woman.

I work alot with Bais Yaakov High school girls and i find that sometimes even the “good girls” from good families, who are the “star bais yaakov girls” struggle with knowing whats appropriate.

The problem is compounded when you think about how fast styles change. Anything thats too “in style” is not tzanua, but after a while, when it is not so new and attention grabbing, it is fine to wear (assuming it covers any part that needs to be covered) That is what they teach in bais yaakov, and again that is not so clear-cut.

I don’t believe those “urban legends” of rabbis measuring skirts. that would be so perverse. but the rebbetzins in the bais yaakovs frequently did so, in a loving manner, hopefully, to insure the girls dressed appropriately.

I think the answer is to have a tznius awareness campain, RUN BY WOMEN such as what bnos melochim is doing in every school. But having men on this site comment on their hihurim and on womens clothes is just so distasteful, to put it mildly. mEN, PLEASE FOCUS ON YOUR ISSUES. YOU’LL BE ALOT BETTER OFF.

(about r’ Simcha Bunim Cohn, he is a prominant Posek who i’m sure has a far better message to convey than you girls are making me and other men sin!)