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to The Big One and UJM,

“And why do you demand they have less chumras? And who are YOU to so demand? Answer: attack, attack, attack (when your ideas are failing.) “

Sigh!! My posts to this stream emphasize that we are all entitled to our halachacly based ( whether that Rav be Chareidi,Chassidish, Yeshivish or Modern Orthodox ) opinions. To Big One, I’ve not attacked your right to observe chumrahs, nor have I demanded anything of you. My screen name implies that just as you have the right to observe more chumrahs, I have the right to observe fewer chumrahs. The more or fewer number of chumrahs we observe is a matter of personal ( halachacly-based ) choice and both are correct, in what works best for you. Why is it necessary for both the Big One and ujm to make it personal by assuming it’s an attack or, as in ujm’s case, attacking MO?