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This entire post has been bothering me since I first read it. Peta is a terrorist organization that is living proof of what happens when you have misplaced chesed (and values) Animals do not have rights nor are the various mitzvohs given in their regards given for their benefit. They were given to us in order to make us better people. When a person engages in behavior that hurts an animal it affects negatively the person who is doing the act. It makes them meaner (as well as reveals a very unpleasant aspect and nature that the person posses.) and further changes them into a cruel being.
Next, animals were put here for our use. They pull our wagons, carry heavy loads, provide transportation and when needed they are killed to provide meat, leather, medicinal benefits, as well as many other uses for their bodies. To deny the animal this is to deny it of the ability to fulfill the tafkid/purpose of it’s creation. (This is not to mention or go into the gilgulim that possessed the animal so that when a person eats it and makes a bracha it would get a tikun).
As for logically what is right, well a lot of people in Tanach far greater than “Give me a break”, who have thought that they were doing what’s right and paid the consequences as a result. It is the same thinking that will enable this poster to be pro-choice and yet save the animals in the same breath. (or in other words equate an animal’s existence to be higher than a person.) In response to that, we are either dealing with a person who puts his logic above the Torah and it’s Rabbonim or an individual who has too much time on his hand and loves to watch as well as he entices the people on the board so that they will yell and scream at each other (so he will add topics of sensitive nature just to diminish the worth of this sight).