Reply To: Should pro-freikeit commentors be given a voice?

Home Forums YWN Main Site & Coffee Room Issues Should pro-freikeit commentors be given a voice? Reply To: Should pro-freikeit commentors be given a voice?


illini07 –

ALthough we are probably on somewhat different sides re: many hashkofo opinions, I never would dream of calling your hashkofos “pro-freikeit”.

I believe you and (almost) all other posters on this site are shomer-Shabbos bnei Yisroel who I would be happy to have at my Shabbos table and whose kashrus I would trust (meaning I would trust them about which hashgochos they used, not necessarily use those hashgochos myself).

I would ammend your closing comment thusly: All of you stop acting like you know the first thing about ANYONE that comments here, unless you know them in person. Your ugly personal attacks belie your true middot.

The lack of respect shown by some posters is appalling, as is this topic, and the calling out by (screen) name of individuals.

To the credit of the poster, he did back off slightly.

Please, when you disagree, do so respectfully.