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I had to spend shabbos in the hospital this week and the nearest shul was a local Chabad House. When they started Mussaf the Shaliach had everyone read Av Harachamim in english. What can I say, havent had such a real experiance in long time. There wasnt a dry eye.

At the kiddush they went around the table and everyone took upon themselves positive Kabalos.

As i read the various posts and comments, together with the pictures. I started feeling very small. If we look objectively, Hashkafos and backgrounds put aside (momenteraly, of course) these people were really doing what they believed.

They lost a sick child and then had another one who is in Eretz Yisrael, they overcame a state of %100 rightful self-pity and continued on to India. They kept strong. They kept on going. Happily.

He would shecht, she would Kasher. He went to prisons, she cooked forever. Cholov Yisrael didn’t exist and they only got milk flown in periodicaly when frum people brought some with them. He was a mohel, officiated at chassunas, and prepared and delivered shiurim. She would fly in by plane monthly to Mik, untill he built one HIMSELF. She nursed the many food poisened backpackers, and spoke words of emunah to those not yet faithfull. I imagine dealing with israeli backpackers and spiritual seekers takes a full time psyche. They were that too. They overlooked their own views (or maybe that WAS their view; to find the nekuda tova in all) to accept and make feel at home each and every yid. Litvish, Frei, Satmar, Bobov, Backpackers, Indian, Mexican, Israeli and everyone else you can’t imagine.

Hashem put us down here to accomplish. So when we witness Productivity and energy, it strikes a chord by all of of us. Now this positive energy and the energy from the mashgichim, who were positive accomplishing people, is hidden. It is our achrais to invigorate ourselves with their Koach; to give of ourselves to other yidden. To help the downtrodden near us, be it the lonely child, the bocher not succeeding in yeshiva, the lonely single, or the not yet tuned into Hashem.

When we will emulate them, their energy will live on… And so will ours…

link to reports from people who stayed by the Holtzbergs