Reply To: Yisurim…

Home Forums Decaffeinated Coffee Yisurim… Reply To: Yisurim…


GILA- you posted a very difficult question. You will never know in this world what your Yesurim are from. They might just be a test from Hashem to see how well you pass, they might serve as an atonement for your sins or for the sins of your previous Gilgul, or it may be that Hashem is just giving you all suffering here that in the next world everything should be really good for you…

One can never know, but there definitely is a reason for everything and I give you a Bracha that you should suffer no more and whatever suffering you do go through should only be for the good.

May you and all of Klal Yisroel know of no more suffering and live healthy, peacefully and happily until 120!