Reply To: The Kollel Revolution!

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“(I really pity the comment above that said the Yissacher/Zevulun relationship is only applicable to those two tribes.) “

Pity it if you prefer – it does not invalidate the comment. I DO value Torah, and I do support it monetarily, by sending my five children to Yeshivah all through their school lives, by paying dues to my shul so it can afford to pay a Rov to be our Morah D’Asra and pasken our shailos, as well as give us the shiurim and droshas that continue our own learning, and by making sure that my household runs according to the dictates of the Torah. It is not my obligation to pay for someone else’s sons and their families to do that which my husband and I struggle to do for ourselves. And the Y/Z relationship was specific to those tribes. Yaakov Avinu did not thus bless his other children. Clearly there was a reason for it in this case.