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Firstly, thanks for not getting insulted.

Second, & I’ll say this very b’kitzur (& again please don’t be insulted)

The reason why chabad has been so succesful is indeed similar to MO, & that is because the standards are low. It’s easier.

To be chareidi takes real commitment & the desire to maintain higher standards.

If someone is not frum & now they walk around half naked & they are told that to be frum you can wear sandals with no socks, (if I remember correctly from previous threads your “orthodox” Rabbi says you can wear pants & don’t have to cover your hair) can eat anything with any hechsher & so forth so of course you’ll make more Baalei Tshuva than chareidim who won’t let you get away with that stuff.

So it has nothing to do with feel-good reasons like drawing them close with love & chessed. The Chareidim who do Kiruv provide JUST AS MUCH if not more love & chessed toward Baalei Tshuva than any other group.

The real reason is what I said – because the change in lifestyle from not religous to Modern Orthodox is signifigantly less, being that less is expected of them religiosity-wise.