Reply To: Chumros = Kids Off The Derech?

Home Forums Family Matters Chumros = Kids Off The Derech? Reply To: Chumros = Kids Off The Derech?


It is really of no use saying which group is more successful in doing kiruv. When you are dealing with a kid at risk, they need loads of love even with all their acting up. They need love and understanding. I switched my daughter out of a BY to a modern orthodox school, thinking that this would be more easy going with the laws, but it was a real disappointment. Not saying that all modern orthodox schools wouldn’t have been able to handle her, but this one was not able to. Nowadays many schools are competing one against the other, they are very worried about their name and reputation, making it hard for them to show a little love and understanding to a kid that is going through a rough time. I don’t want to put all the blame on the schools, as there are alot of factors involved, but sometimes if a kid is unhappy with yeshiva they will throw frumkiet out of the window.